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AALIM MUHAMMED SALEGH College Of Engineering (AALIMEC) was established with a vision, ‘Cutting-edge Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Research Integrates Academia, Industry and National Progress’. The Institute has developed excellent facilities, both in terms of infrastructure and scholastics. AALIMEC encourages faculty members and students to undertake sponsored research projects with a commitment to serve society. Research and Development is carried in several areas like Structural, Environment, Image Processing, Networking, Computation, Sensor Networks, Communication, Soft Computing, Energy, Materials, Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation studies.

The Research & Development (R & D) Cell of AALIMEC facilitates and encourages a research culture among the faculty members, research scholars and students. Its prime role is to create contacts with the real world and promote research through a range of publications. The R&D Cell takes up the responsibility of creating a workplace to attract the best talent and strives continuously in pooling of skills and internal resources, create a strategy, overcoming limitations and make the College proud to be amongst the best institutions in the world. The institutional research related activities are approved by the Research Advisory Committee (RAC).The promotion of research is the backbone to sustain the research environment on campus. The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the conduct of research and scholarly activity and to promote applied research and innovation. The composition of RAC is as follows:

1. Dr. P. Marimuthu -Chairperson (Principal)

2. Dr.S.Sathish – Observer (Vice – Principal ) 

3. Dr.Mohammed Usman – Research & Development Cell Head


This research project policy provides a broad framework to guide, scholarly research by faculty members, students and research scholars. AALIMEC R&D Cell promotes various research projects which are listed below,

  1. Sponsored Research

  2. Research Consultancy

  3. Internal Seed Funding

  4. Faculty Member Research

  5. Student Research

    1. Sponsored Research

  • The faculty members are encouraged to submit sponsored research work in the focused as well as interdisciplinary areas of research.

  • Identify research areas and specify research topics of academic, practical and socially relevant through websites of government sponsored research agencies (Details and Website links are available below)

  • Every faculty member with a Ph.D. qualification shall apply for a minimum of one funded research project per year.

  • The RAC will review the proposals of all the faculty members who are submitting in various funding agencies

  • The RAC will approve the proposal, if the faculty member’s proposal is appropriate for submission or it will be returned for improvement.

  • Various funding agency details with website link

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE):

Science and Engineering Research Board:


Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog:

Defence Research and Development Organisation – DRDO:

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME):

Department of Science and Technology:

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology:

Center for Development of Advanced Computing:

Center for Entrepreneurship Development, Anna University:

Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology:

  • The progress of the research will be monitored by the RAC and progress report will be sent to the respective agency whenever needed

  • The Workload can be reduced for those who are working as Principal Investigators on Sponsored Research Projects

  • Cash Awards for the faculty members who got funded projects on Annual Day Celebrations of that academic year.

    1. Research Consultancy

  • The faculty members are encouraged to submit Research Consultancy work in the focused as well as interdisciplinary areas of research.

  • Identify the need of the Company/Industry/Society and relevant significance through meeting with the industry technocrat and society members with proper appointment

  • Every faculty member with Ph.D. qualification shall secure for a minimum of one Research Consultancy per year with a minimum value of Rs.25000/- including overheads

  • The RAC will review the proposals of all the faculty members in written based on the needs of the Company/Industry/Society

  • The RAC will approve the proposal and recommend to the Company/Industry/Society, if the faculty member’s proposal is appropriate or it will be reset for improvement

  • The progress of the research will be monitored by the RAC and progress report will be sent to the respective Company/Industry/Society within the period of requirement

  • The Principal Investigators of Research Consultancy can take ON DUTY to visit Company/Industry/Society

  • Overhead Money will be given to the faculty members who have done Research Consultancy

    1. Internal Seed Funding

The purpose of the research seed money is to create a vibrant atmosphere of research among faculty members and researchers. Depending on the quality of proposals, upto 15 faculty members per academic year will be approved to receive seed money for a tune of upto Rs. 5,00,000/-. However, this is not a constraint for high potential and cross-disciplinary research partnerships.


  • To create an enabling environment in order to foster research.

  • To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.

  • To create opportunities for teachers of the institute to involve themselves in real-life research projects and obtain sponsorships.

  • To develop a strong and successful external proposal for the targeted funding opportunity.

  • To test a novel idea and to generate preliminary results before submitting proposals to external agencies.

  • To promote inter-faculty collaboration in emerging areas.

  • To promote the generation of IPR and product/process development.

  • To attract and to retain talent.

Seed grant proposal submitted may include the following (suggestive):

  • Research plan.

  • Introduction and seed grant project description.

  • Describe the proposed research or creative activity

  • Include a summary of relevant literature, specific objectives / primary questions to be addressed, expected outcomes / products, procedures and methods utilized, novel / cutting-edge aspects of the project, and broader impacts of the research. Provide an explanation of possible pitfalls / risks of the project and how these will be mitigated

  • Relevance of the proposed research or creative activity to the PI’s career

  • Include a statement about how the seed grant and the external proposal will advance the career of the PI

  • Relationship of seed grant project to external funding goal.

  • Explain how the seed grant’s project outcomes / products are relevant and necessary to the development of a strong and successful external proposal to the targeted funding opportunity

  • Describe how the seed grant work will enhance or be incorporated into the external proposal. In addition, describe how a less than satisfactory outcome of the project will be mitigated in the external proposal

  • Seed projects targeting DST/AICTE/ISRO/DRDO etc., may want to consider involving Extension specialists to help improve the Broader Impacts requirement of the external proposal

  • Management plan.

  • Describe the scope of work and responsibilities of the key personnel of the seed grant project. If the project includes multi- or interdisciplinary partnerships, describe how data, responsibilities, and information will be coordinated and how communication will be managed. Provide a timeline for major activities, including the preparation and submission of the external proposal. Data management is also needed.

  • References (required, no page limitation).

  • Budget (suggestive template)

S. No


Amount (Rs)




(Do not exceed 20% of the total amount)





(Do not exceed the 10% of the total amount)


Research Literature



(Do not exceed 10% of the total amount)




    • Appendix A: Curriculum/Curricula Vitae (required, 2-page maximum per person). CV information is required for the PI and any Co-PIs. Include as part of the CV a record of grant writing experience and role (PI or co-PI).

    • Appendix B: Proposal format attached in the College website and Results of Previous Seed Funding (if applicable). Provide a one-page description of the results of any previous research seed funding the PI has received.

      1. Faculty Member Research

    • Faculty members with master’s degree qualification should compulsorily register for Ph.D. and are permitted to pursue Ph.D. under part time mode in any StateUniversity with full salary.

    • Faculty members pursuing Ph.D. with external Supervisor can avail 12 days ON DUTY in an academic year.

    • Faculty members pursuing Ph.D. with Internal Supervisor can avail 9 days ON DUTY in an academic year

    • List of AALIMEC Supervisors recognized and on the record of Anna University is given below,



    Supervisor Name

    University Reference No.

    Contact Email Id


    Mechanical Engineering




    Mechanical Engineering




    Computer Science and Engineering




    Electronics and Communication Engineering



      1. Student Research

    • Students are encouraged to do interdisciplinary projects during the final year

    • Students are encouraged to participate in various hackathon programs like Smart India Hackathon

    • Students are encouraged to write research paper in reputed journals or conference and publish patents

    1. AALIMEC-IPR Policy

    The current and stated Intellectual Property (IP) Policy of the Institute of AALIM MUHAMMED SALEGH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (AALIMEC) aims to facilitate the protection of intellectual property generated during scientific pursuit in the Institute and offers scope for wealth generation, alleviation of human sufferings and betterment of human life. AMSCE urges all faculty members, staff and students to document their IP, so that it can be protected and applied to the gain of the country, the institute and the concerned inventors. AALIMEC is keen to facilitate faculty members and students of AALIMEC in a proactive manner in the generation, protection and transaction of Intellectual Property which offers potential and scope for shared benefits to both institute and inventors. Through this policy, a system will be in place to bring order into the process of knowledge generation and commercial development. AALIMEC-IPR policy are listed below,

    1. Institutional Patent

    2. Individual Patent

    3. Design Patent

    4. Trade Mark

    5. Copyrights

      1. Institutional Patent

    • Any new Inventions/Projects of the faculty members and students, which is funded directly or collaborative by AALIMEC are encouraged and invited for Patent filling with publication

    • All the Institutional patents will be filled through the AALIMEC IPR Cell and the institution will bear the money for patent filing and publication

    • Applicants need to fill in the details of the form issued by IPR Cell

    • In institutional patents members of AALIMEC are only allowed as Inventors

    • The College name (and sponsoring agency with mutual acceptance in the case of a collaborative project) will be filled in the applicant column of the patent

    • All the members of AALIMEC (Inventor(s)) involved in the new Inventions/Projects will be filled in the Inventor Column

    • The revenue arising out of licensing of IP and royalty would be shared in the appropriate ratio (currently, this ratio is 60:40) between the inventor(s) and the Institute

    • Note: Any type of Patent filing of Government Sponsored research will be done only based on the approval from the particular agency officials

      1. Individual Patent

    • Any new Inventions/Projects of the faculty members and students, which are not funded directly or collaborative by AALIMEC are encouraged and invited for Patent filing with the publication

    • The patent can be filled individually or through the AALIMEC IPR cell or via a third party and the institution will bear the money partially for patent filing and publication, if the applicant or Inventor used AALIMEC affiliation

    • Apart from members of AALIMEC, in individual patent outside institute members are not allowed as Inventors

    • The members need to submit the patent filing details to AALIMEC-IPR Cell, if it is filled via a third party to claim the money

    • The revenue arising out of licensing of IP and royalty would be shared in the appropriate ratio (currently, this ratio is 60:40) between the inventor(s) and the Institute

    • Note: Any type of Patent filling of Government Sponsored research will be done only based on the approval from the particular agency officials

      1. Design Patent

    • Any new novel designs of the faculty members and students are encouraged and invited for Patent registration

    • All the Design patents will be registered through the AALIMEC IPR cell only and the institution will bear the money for patent filing

    • Applicants need to fill the details of the Design form issued by IPR cell

    • In Design patent members of AALIMEC only allowed as Inventors and encouraged to utilize the CAD design facility in the college

    • The revenue arising out of licensing of IP and royalty would be with the institute

    • Note: Any type of Patent registration of Government Sponsored research will be done only based on the approval from the particular agency officials

      1. Trade Mark

    • Any new trademark or logo design of the faculty members and students are encouraged and invited for registration

    • All the Trademark designs can be filled through the AALIMEC IPR cell and the institution will bear the money for trademark filling, if it is related to college events, department events

    • If any individual both members of AALIMEC or outside members (Company staff or shop owners) can avail the facility of the AALIMEC-IPR cell by filling the form.

    • Applicants need to pay Rs.500/- to AALIMEC IPR cell as the filing charges

      1. Copyrights

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged and invited to design new websites, new algorithms, write new books, start new journals to file copyrights

    • All the copyrights can be filled through the AALIMEC IPR cell and the institution will bear the money for copyright registration , if it is related to college.

    • If any individual both members of AALIMEC or outside members (Company staff or shop owners or book writers) can avail of the facility of the AALIMEC-IPR Cell by filing the form.

    • Applicants need to pay Rs.500/- to AALIMEC IPR Cell as the filing charges

    Useful links for IPR

    IPR India:

    WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Patentscope:

    USPTO (United States Patent And Trademark Office):

    Google Patents:

    Espacenet (European Patent Office- Patent Search):

    1. Journal/Conference Publication Policy

    Research & Development are imperative for the inclusive intellectual growth. It is often the first critical step in innovation and drives technological improvements which lead to Science and Technology (S&T) growth. AALIMEC is continuously encouraging, supporting, and promoting publication activities towards the achievements by establishing various policies as follows:

    1. SCIE/Scopus/UGC Care

    2. Conference

    3. Books/Book Chapter

    4. FDPs/Workshop/MOOC

      1. SCIE/Scopus/UGC Care Journal publications

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged and invited to publish their research work in reputed SCIE/Scopus/UGC Care journals

    • An incentive of Rs. 2500/- shall be granted for the publication in both paid and unpaid refereed Scopus and SClE/ESCl/ indexed journal.

    • Rs.200/- shall be granted per faculty for every citation (without self citation) in journals indexed SCIE with an impact factor greater than or equal to 2.0.

    • Faculty members are encouraged to act as Editorial member, Reviewer and has to submit the proof of the same to AALIMEC R&D cell

    Abstracting & Indexing



    Abstracting & Indexing





    Arts & Humanities Citation Index

    Science Citation Index Expanded

    Social Sciences Citation Index


    Publication Incentives


    Scimago Journal Ranking

    Incentive Amount in (Rs.)











    • Useful links to find appropriate Journals

    Scopus Journals Search Engine :

    Web of Science Journals Search Engine :

    Scimago Journal & Country Rank :

    Anna University Journal list :

      1. Conference Publications

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged and invited to publish their research work in reputed Scopus/WOS Indexed conference

    • A registration fee subjected to a maximum of Rs. 5,000/- is granted along with Rs. 10,000/- as incentive for Scopus/WOS Indexed conference.

    • It is mandatory to all the Head of the Departments to conduct one National Conference in their respective departments

    • Useful links to find an appropriate Conference

    IEEE Conferences:

    Springer Conferences:

    IOP Conferences:

    AIP Conferences:

      1. Books/Book Chapter

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged and invited to publish their research work as a book or book chapter with AALIMEC or a reputed publisher.

    • For book publications, the first author gets incentive of Rs. 5000/-.

    • The faculty members are encouraged to act as guest editors for the book chapter towards specific theme

    • Useful links to find an appropriate book publisher

    Springer Book Publication Service:

    De GruyterBook Publication Service:

      1. FDPs/Workshop/MOOC

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged and invited to participate or organize with AALIMEC or through a sponsor.

    • The registration fee for the workshops / FDPs / STTPs / MOOC is reimbursed and for the professional memberships, half of the registration fee is paid to the faculty members

    • The registration fee for the MOOC courses completed by the students is reimbursed to the tune of upto Rs. 2000/-.

    1. Plagiarism Policy

    • AALIMEC not accept any type of plagiarism and it is strictly prohibited in the Institution

    • Awareness program will be conducted by AALIMEC- R&D Cell once a year to all the faculty members and students

    • AALIMEC follows the Code of Conduct defined by the Center of Research, Anna University Chennai. Please refer the web links below,

    Act of Plagiarism:

    Anna University Plagiarism Policy:

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged to use various plagiarism detecting tools like Ithenticate, Turnitin and Urkund.

    • The faculty members and students are encouraged to use Urkund tool which is suggested by Anna University and they can approach AALIMEC-R&D cell for the same

    How to check Plagiarism via Urkund:

    • The RAC will monitor the plagiarism and if any faculty members or students breached the code of conduct of Anna University, Sanctions or Penalties will be imposed at the end of the inquiry


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