Green Campus
A Green Campus is a place where environmental friendly practices and education combine to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the campus. The green campus concept offers an institution the opportunity to take the lead in redefining its environmental culture and developing new paradigms by creating sustainable solutions to environmental, social and economic needs of the mankind.
Greening the campus is all about sweeping away wasteful inefficiencies and using conventional sources of energies for its daily power needs, correct disposal handling, purchase of environment friendly supplies and effective recycling program. Institute has to work out the time bound strategies to implement green campus initiatives. These strategies need to be incorporated into the institutional planning and budgeting processes with the aim of developing a clean and green campus.

Plastic Waste management
On 17.11.2020, between 9.30 and 11.00, a webinar was conducted on ‘Entrepreneurship’ in zoom platform. Mr.Gowtham, Art Foundation, shared his experience in creating awareness on ‘Plastic Waste management’ through his art work and other social activities like conducting Rallys, Marathan’s and ‘Plastic Walks’. Students were impressed by his social activities and many came forward to volunteer in his programmes in future.
Mr.Gowtham, Art Foundation, shares his experience in creating awareness on Plastic Waste management through his art work and other social activities

Use of Bicycles

Solar powered Wheel chair for disabled person

Use of Bicycles by College Faculty Members