Gym to keep fit and healthy

At, AMS, we believe that Studying aside, coming to college is a great way to meet new people, socialize, and try out new pursuits and experience the positive, motivating, informal side of student life. Join in to get more out of it.
Physical well-being is the foundation of being best at home and at work. Exercising is a great way of keeping our mind sharp and focused and keeping our body toned and healthy. A well-rounded fitness routine includes cardiovascular workouts, stretching and strength-training, every week. Physical fitness promotes mental alertness and the ability to concentrate. Additionally, physical fitness helps students to manage stress and express emotions in healthy way; thus encouraging positive relations with family and peers. The mission of our Flame fitness Studio is to create a healthy environment that engages students, staff and community members in the pursuit of health and physical fitness. With a facility such as this, the emphasis is on enjoying exercise for its own sake and learning fitness habits for life. This means that students have a place where they can focus on lifetime fitness goals and individual achievement, and community members can find opportunities to improve their health and well-being.