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Virtual Seminar on ‘‘Nanotechnology’’

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Virtual Seminar on ‘‘Nanotechnology’’

Department of Physics and Chemistry

The department of Physics and Chemistry jointly organized a virtual seminar on the topic “Advances in Nanotechnology” on 14 FEB 2022. The program started at 11:30 pm, with Qirat recitation by a first year IT student, Mr. M. S. Abdulla. The welcome address was delivered by the HOD of S&H department, Ms. Ashma. The session was followed by the keynote address delivered by the principal, Dr. Sathish. The resource person, Dr. Jayavel, Director, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Anna University, enlightened the participants by highlighting the applications of Nanotechnology in various fields such as Engineering, Medicine and advanced science. The session was extremely helpful for the students to explore the new developing research ideas in different fields. The event proceeded to a Q&A session in which the faculty members and students interacted with the resource person. The participants shared their feedback and expressed their gratitude to Dr. Jayavel for making time to present a wonderful session despite his busy schedule. The session concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Suresh, Associate Professor of Physics.

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