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Seminar on Journal Writing
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Publishing a good scientific paper
Presenter’s name and affiliation: Professor Dr. Subhas Mukhopadhyay
School of Engineering, Macquarie University, NSW 2109
Abstract: Conducting a very high quality research may be the fundamental job for scientists but their survival in the long run depends on their ability to write good papers, articles, and reports and publish them in highly ranked journals. The writing process can be intimidating to many researchers even to experienced professionals. According to IEEE Member Matthias Reumann, a postdoctoral Fellow at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, “Writing requires discipline, organization, thoroughness, understanding of the background and consequences, and planning,” This seminar will present some ground rules on writing and publishing good scientific papers in high ranking transactions, journals and conferences. Personal experience with the association with IEEE over 30+ years as an associate editor (20+ years with IEEE Sensors Journal, 15+ years with IEEE TIM and 3 years with IEEE Mechatronics) and dealing over 3000 papers will be shared.
A short biography of Subhas Mukhopadhyay
Biography: Subhas holds a B.E.E. (gold medallist), M.E.E., Ph.D. (India) and Doctor of Engineering (Japan). He has over 31 years of teaching, industrial and research experience. Currently he is working as a Professor of Mechanical/Electronics Engineering, Macquarie University, Australia and is the Discipline Leader of the Mechatronics Engineering Degree Programme. His fields of interest include Smart Sensors and sensing technology, instrumentation techniques, wireless sensors and network (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT), Mechatronics, Robotics, Healthcare and Environmental monitoring etc. He has supervised over 55 postgraduate students and over 150 Honours students. He has examined over 80 postgraduate theses. He has published over 450 papers in different international journals and conference proceedings, written ten books, fifty two book chapters and edited eighteen conference proceedings. He has also edited thirty five books with Springer-Verlag and thirty two journal special issues. He has organized over 20 international conferences as either General Chairs/co-chairs or Technical Programme Chair. He has delivered 420 presentations including keynote, invited, tutorial and special lectures.
He is a Fellow of IEEE (USA), a Fellow of IET (UK), a Fellow of IETE (India). He is a Topical Editor of IEEE Sensors journal. He is also associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements and IEEE Transactions on Review of Biomedical Engineering. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Sensors Council from 2017 to 2022. He is the Foundingchair of the IEEE Sensors Council NSW chapter.
More details can be available at