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0 649Our N S S Unit has organized eight Special Camps in nearby villages at Palavedupettai, Alathur, Melapedu and Pakkam villages from 2005 to 2012. Our volunteers actively participated in both Regular and special camp activities and organized several awareness programs and medical camps. Apart from this we have also conducted several other NSS activities within and outside the college campus.
This year an eight day special camp was conducted from 09.03.12 to 16.03.12 at Pakkam village. About fifty N S S volunteers of II year B.E/B.Tech actively participated in the camp and rendered their service to village community in the theme Healthy Youth for Healthy India. The inauguration of this camp started with a welcome address by our college Principal Prof. Dr.M.AFZAL ALI BAIG on 09.03.12. Our Secretary Janab. S.SEGU JAMALUDEEN delivered the presidential address. The Chief guest Prof. KHADER BASHA, Honorary Advisor, Youth Red Cross society, Tamil Nadu branch in his inaugural address, stressed the need of social service to rural community and personality development of student community through this service. An eight day special camp was conducted from 09.03.12 to 16.03.12 at Pakkam village. About fifty N S S volunteers of II year B.E/B.Tech actively participated in the camp and rendered their service to village community in the theme Healthy Youth for Healthy India.