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Vision of the Department

To commit to build a secured cyber cosmos to scaffold the global technological advancements.

Mission of the Department

• To plunge into the industry expectationsand hone young talents to translate the vision of ‘secured cybercosmos’.
• To spearhead quality CyberSecurity education via contemporaneous, future-ready Academic & Industry specific practices.
In the world of digitalization, cyber space has turned into a household from kids to the elderly; from the semi-skilled to the highly literate and the technically advanced. Cyber space has found it’s omnipresence into any field one could name, leaving behind no exception. When it has unflinched roots to every nook and corner to the advantage of human kind, it attracts along loud, multifarious threats and vulnerabilities too.

Why to pursue Cyber Security?

The threatening trio:
Cyber crime, Cyber attacks& Cyber terrorism, the threatening trio that surges into data leaks, hacking, unethical access, data breach, etc which have become common etymologies we witness as the shadow of cyber space. The number of cyber-attacks across the globe is on the steady increase, with shocking figures of billions of records being exposed by data breaches. Pinnacle of threat is the exposure of medical and financial data which is the alluringchoiceof hackers and cyber criminals,targeted for the quick and mammothmonetary benefits they could reap. That’s exactly what brings in the need for Subject Matter Experts and young talents who will specialize in the field of cyber security. Moving forward, it’s going to be the era that will breed on cyber space from the launch/landing of a satellite to the robotic surgery that a surgeon could perform sitting miles and continents away. There’s invariably and undoubtedly a huge demand for cyber security engineers who will be the 1st port of call to deal with the prevention and protection of cyber space to which the future belongs.

Career Scope of Cyber Security:
From a simple super market to logistics, banking, high speed transportation, medicine, aeronautics, the defence where data security is of paramount significance and any more industry that is yet to evolve too has to conspicuously rely on cyber space and thusthe inevitablyon its security. Cyber security is an umbrella term, that contains in itself various arenas that include Network security, Application security, Information security, Operational security, Disaster recovery and business continuity, End-user educationand so on. A huge pool of talents is envisaged to be on high demand to build and protect the cyber space. If you are aspiring to be one of the lucratively paid talents on demand in future, Cyber Security is undoubtedly a great choice. Titles that would look for qualified talents through this course include

1. Computer Forensic Analyst
2. IT Security Specialist
3. Cyber Security Manager / Engineer / Consultant
4. Information Security Analyst
5. Cloud Security Specialist
6. Ethical Hacker
7. Data / Information Security Penetration Tester
8. IT / Data / Information Security Architect
9. Data Theft Controllers

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