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The department of civil engineering has modern equipped class rooms, faculty rooms and highly established seven laboratories to enhance the understanding of the concepts through practical exposure.

  • Survey lab
  • Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering lab
  • Strength of Material lab
  • Concrete and Highway Engineering lab
  • Soil Mechanics lab
  • Environmental Engineering lab
  • Computer Aided Design and Drafting lab

Major Equipment facility of the lab

S.No. Name of the laboratories Major Equipments
1 Surveying Total Station
Standard Vernier Theodolite
Dumpy level
Plane table
2 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering lab Pelton turbine
Kaplon turbine
Francis turbine
Hydraulic flume
Minor and major losses
Orifice & mouth piece
Venture meter
Open channel flow measurement (Rectangular,Triangular &Trapezoidal Notches)
Centrifugal pump
Jet pump
Submersible pump
Gear oil pump
Bernollis apparatus
Impact of jet
Pitot tube
Metacentric ship model
3 Strength of Material lab Metallurgical microscope
Brinell hardness tester
Spring testing machine
Impact testing machine
Torsion testing machine
Universal testing machine
4 Concrete and Highway Engineering lab Compression Testing Machine
CBR Accessories
Ductility Testing Machine
Concrete Mixer Machine
Los Angel Machine
Marshal Stability
5 Soil Mechanics lab Relative Density Apparatus
Direct Shear Apparatus
Unconfined Compression Testing Machine
Consolidation Apparatus Three Gang
Permeability Apparatus
Triaxial Test Apparatus
6 Environmental Engineering lab Digital bod apparatus
Muffle furnace
Hot air oven
Jar test apparatus
Cod apparatus
Turbidity meter
Conductivity meter
Ph meter
Kjeldahl apparatus
Photo electric calorimeter
Magnetic stirrer with hot plate
Water bath
Filteration assembly
7 Computer Aided Design and Drafting lab Pro-E etc.,.

Research- Facilities available in Civil Engineering

  1. Research in Concrete Engineering
  2. Research of Material Testing of Strength of Material Lab
  3. Research in Flexible Pavements
  4. Research in Rigid Pavements
  5. Research in Soil Engineering
  6. Research in Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering
  7. Advanced research in Environmental Engineering
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