Dr.S.Sathish, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, delivered a talk on 29/01/2024 in a DST (Department of Science and Technology) sponsored National Seminar on “Emerging Applications and Developments in Thermal Spray Coatings” organized by Government College of Engineering, Bargur.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering received “THE TEACHING AWARDS IN ENGINEERING”, by Education Matters & Staffordshire University UK.
- Professor Dr. Mohd. F. Shabir delivered an invited talk on “Design of Machine Elements” at College of Engineering, Guindy.
- Associate Professor Dr. S. Sathish received the following awards:
Received “Distinguish Scientist Award” from S.C.Ray Educational Trust, Kolkata on 15th October 2018.
Received “Out Standing Faculty Award” from Venus International Foundation, Chennai on 7th July 2018.
Received “Research Excellence Award” from “Institute for Exploring Advances in Engineering” on 25th July 2018.
Received “Young Faculty Achieve Award 2018” from Engineering Professional Society, Coimbatore on 6th May 2018.
- Associate Professor Dr. S. Sathish delivered an invited talk on “Advances in surface engineering and nano technology” at Government College of Engineering, Bargur.
- Associate Professor Dr. S. Sathish presented an international conference
- Assistant Professor Dr. Anjan Kumar Sahu received a project grant of Rs. 7500/- from Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology.
- Assistant Professor S. Ramkumar, participated in finals of PALS INNOWAH project competition held at IIT-M.
- Assistant Professor Mr. P. Muniraja Chandra received a grant of Rs.15,000/- from Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology for conducting seminar.
Associate Professor Dr. S. Sathish, Presented a paper entitled “Microstructure and Immersion behavior of plasma sprayed bi-layered ceramic coatings” in MSAT-8 Conference held at Bangkok, Thailand (Dec 2014) – Funded by Department of Science and Technology.
Associate Professor Dr. S. Sathish, Presented a paper entitled “ Investigation on the Corrosion behavior of the bilayered ceramic coatings deposited using Atmospheric Plasma spraying” in INTER-ENG 2013 Conference held at Petru Maior university, Tirgu Mures, Romania (Oct 2013) – Funded by Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering.
Associate Professor Dr. S. Sathish, Presented a paper entitled “Wear behavior of the newly developed biomedical beta titanium alloy” in TMS Annual meeting 2010 held at Seattle, U.S.A (Feb 2010) – Funded by Department of Science and Technology.
Assistant Professor S. Abdur Rahman and F. Mohd. Ajmal Shrieff delivered an invited talk on “Engineering Graphics” held at Chendu Engineering College on 2015.
Assistant Professor Ayaz Ahmed and F. Mohd. Ajmal Shrieff delivered a talk on “Competency building strategy and technology for sustainable development” at Sri Sai Sakthi Arts and Science for Woman on 2015.
Student Achievement
Team Poros consist of 30 student members and two faculty members participated in national level, RCDC-2018 held at Bikaner, Rajastan and won “Best acceleration award”.
Mr.Dhanush (2016-20) participated in national level competition held at IIT-Delhi and won cash prize of rupees one lakh.
Team Tech Freaks participated in national level PALS INNOWAH competition held at IIT-M and won Rs. 5000/- cash price.
Mr. D. Vjay Deva, (2015-19) batch won many prices in body building including national level winner of under 60 Kg body building competition.
Mr. Mohamed Iqbal (2011-15) received “Young Scientist Award” from China.
Mr. Ahad Ali Khan (2013-17) participated and presented a paper in International Conference on Advanced Research in Engineering – 2016 in Dubai.
Mr. Mohammed Sheik (2013-17) participated and presented a paper in International Multi Disciplinary Research Conference – 2015 in Srilanka.