Dr. P. Marimuthu, B.E (Mech)., M.E (Prodn)., Ph.D., FIE, MISTE
Dr. P. Marimuthu, B.E., M.E., Ph.D., FIE, MISTE., obtained his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master Degree in Production Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. He obtained his PhD in the area of Machining of Metal Matrix Composite from Anna University, Chennai with the Research centre of National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. He has 36 years of Experience in Teaching, Research and Academics, served in Many Institutions at various positions such as Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor, Head of the Department and Principal and Director (R&D). Previously, he was academic council member in Anna University, Chennai during the year 2012-2015 and also served as Board of study member of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai during the year 2016-2020. He is also a Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education and Fellow Member in the Institution of Engineers, Kolkata. Also, he served as coordinator for conducting the Anna University Zonal sports events for 2 times. He has received “RASTRIYA VIDYA SARASWATI PURASKAR AWARD” in March 2010 for his achievement and remarkable role in the field of Education, has been honored by The International Institute of Education and Management, New Delhi.
His research areas include Manufacturing, Composites, Machining Science, Modeling and Optimization. He is guiding PhD scholars in different areas. He has produced 17 PhD Scholars. He has published 101 papers in the referred Journals including 21 papers in the Patents. Out of which one design patent got a grant. He is reviewer for many reputed Journals and He has received best reviewer award from Elsevier publications. He has published 3 books such as Basic Engineering, Mechatronics and Material Science. He has a rich experience in NBA and NAAC, ARIIA. Presently, He is working as Principal in Aalim Muhammed Salegh College of Engineering
He has received Rs.6.5 Lakhs from AICTE for the development of Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) and Rs.25,000 from DRDO for organizing One Day Workshop on Recent Trends and Research in Mechanical Engineering.
Educational Qualifications and Field of Specialization
Dr. N. R. Shanker
Specialized in Quantum computing and Quantum Image processing.
Ph.D. @ College of Engineering,
Anna University, Chennai-600025.
Faculty of Information and Communication.
Administrative Experience
Director – IQAC – Aalim Muhammed Salegh college of Engineering
Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Credentials
Research Publications | Number of Publication | h-index / Citations |
Patent Granted | 1 | Citations: 147
h-index: 7 i10-index: 5 |
Q1 /Q2 – Journals | 16 | |
SCI- Journals | 61 | |
Scopus Indexed | 19 | |
Book Published | 1 | |
Conferences | 5 |
Ph.D Scholars guided and awarded Degree: 6
Ph.D Scholars guiding: 4